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Alternative Pathways Online Option

Welcome to our Jefferson High School Alternative Pathways Program:

The Alternative Pathways Program has been established to provide students a different option than a traditional high school model.  The goal of Jefferson High School is to ensure we prepare all students for graduation and for all students to have a choice of post-secondary options.

The Alternative Pathways program is part of Jefferson High School and students who enroll in Pathways are Jefferson High School students.  We will provide not only support to meet academic goals but also work with students to explore careers and interests.  Our counselor will partner with both parents/guardians and students to develop a graduation plan, and our Alternative Pathways teacher will regularly meet and work with students on meeting their goals. 

We are excited for this opportunity to build a program to support the individual needs of students that support them in earning their Jefferson high school diploma.

Thank you.
Your Jefferson High School Administrative Team
Laura Pierce-Cummings
(541) 327-3337 ext. 1249

Alternative Pathways at JHS

Alt Pathways Handbook

Alt Pathways