Jefferson High School Counseling Plan
Every Jefferson High School student will acquire the academic, career and personal skills to reach their highest educational potential, having the ability to successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, competent and productive citizens who respect themselves and others. A comprehensive school counseling program is an integral component of the total education experience, providing the educational opportunities for intellectual development, effective communication, personal growth and social responsibility. The school counselor works in partnership with students, staff, parents, community members, and institutions of higher learning. These efforts are geared toward preparing students to become effective learners, to achieve success in school, to live successful and rewarding lives and to become positive contributors to our society.
All students at all grade levels (9-12) should have access to a full-time certified school counselor, and have the right to participate in the school counseling program. It is based on the belief that each student possesses intrinsic worth and specific rights, and is a unique and dynamic person capable of personal growth, life-long learning, and self-direction.
This plan is intentionally designed by certified school counselors, teachers, and administrators along with other staff in collaboration with students, parents, and members of the local community. The counseling program seeks to meet the needs of all students in four developmental domains and student standards – Learning to Learn (Academic), Learning to Work (Career), Learning to Live (Social/Emotional), and Learning to Contribute (Community Involvement).
At Jefferson High School, the role of the school counselor is to support students within our school using the Oregon Framework for Comprehensive School Counseling, by facilitating student development in academic, career, social/emotional, and community involvement areas. The school counselor is a trained and certified professional, who works with students, administrators, teachers, parents and the community to promote a safe and successful learning environment. The school counselor assists all students within the total educational program to become effective learners, responsible citizens, and contributing members of society. On-going communication and information exchange with parents/guardians are vital to all aspects of the School Counseling Program, and is a key part of the counselor’s role.
The school counselor plans, implements and evaluates developmental school counseling curriculum programs that address the needs and priorities of the school.
Their work is further differentiated by attention to age-specific developmental stages of student growth, and by the needs, tasks, and student interest related to those stages. Our school counselor coordinates individual student planning, which consists of ongoing activities designed to help individual students establish personal goals and develop future plans (plan and profile).
Our school counselor delivers responsive services to all students to meet their immediate needs and concerns. These services can be delivered through a variety of strategies that include individual counseling, small-group counseling, mediation, crisis counseling, and referrals to outside agencies.