College & Career Center
Planning for College
Preparing for College
RESOURCES - Click on the underlined link.
- Google Doc: It's A Plan College Workbook - Stay organized with your post-high school plans! This Google Doc workbook has tabs for college and scholarship application information, deadlines, and more. Using the link above prompts users to create a copy in their Google Drive so it's ready to use.
- Oregon Goes to College - THIS is the site to learn all about college: preparation checklists, financial aide information, steps to applying, and more. Check it out!
- Apply to College - learn about the process
- Applying to an Ivy League School - helpful article with links/information about applying to Ivy League Schools
- Create a Personal Budget for College - Going to college means being more independent - which also means being more responsible. Consider using this resource to help you manage your monthly expenses while in college.
- Compare financial aid award letters - Comparing Costs and Financial Aid Worksheet
Oregon Goes To College - How to help my student prepare for college
Opportunities Guide/Workbook Available in English and Spanish. The Opportunities guide helps high school students choose the right college, understand admission requirements, identify types of financial aid and more. This guide is also a great College Planning overview/resource for parents.
Will you Be Able to Help you College-age Child in a Medical Emergency? This article is a great reminder that once your child turns 18 the HIPPA Privacy Rule will make it difficult to help your child during any medical event. "You as a parent, have no more right to obtain medical information on your legal-age son or daughter." Attached to this article are also Medical authorizations for parents to complete to help facilitate the process of being able to assit their adult children while away at college.
Paying for College
College Finance Resources
- Understanding Financial Aid Virtual Presentation - FINANCIAL AID OVERVIEW (ENGLISH) - 23-24
- Federal Student Aid Contact Information - Federal website to help students/parents understand federal financial aid
- Call 1-800-4-FEDAID (1-800-433-3243)
- Oregon Student Aid: FAFSA/ORSAA - Great Information for students to apply for aid
- CSS Profile: The CSS Profile is an additional financial aid application required by about 200 colleges. Use this CSS Profile Step-by-Step Guide to fill it out.
- College Planning Website: Oregon Goes to College - It's A Plan! Great resources for students and families.
- Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) - The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) is an agreement among WICHE’s 16 members, through which 160+ participating public colleges and universities provide steep nonresident tuition savings for Western students. Here is a list of participating WUE schools!
Job Opportunities
Coming Soon!
Job Shadow
Job Shadowing is a 2-6 hour in-person experience that allows students to observe the workday and duties of a job and/or industry.
See Ms. Dryden if you are interested in this opportunity.
Personalized Learning Requirements
There will be many experiences for you during your time at JHS. Each year there are certain skills and experiences you will participate in with your class. This is one way to help you think about what you would like to do after high school.
- Oregon Promise
- Chemeketa Community College
- Apprenticeship and Trades
- DACA/Undocumented Student Resources
- Military
Oregon Promise
Oregon Promise
Oregon Promise is a state grant that helps to cover tuition costs at any Oregon community college for recent high schoool graduates. Oregon Promise is for students with a 2.5 or higher unwighted GPA by the end of their time in high school. Oregon Promise eligibility is determined each year by the Oregon State Legislature. I encourage ALL students eligible to apply...because determination of eligibility does not occur until after applications are usually due.
Oregon Promise Step By Step (English)
Instrucciones para llenar la aplicación de Oregon Promise (Spanish)
Help Completing The Common Application
Pacific University is offering HELP COMPLETING THE COMMON APP! Students do not need to apply to Pacific University or sign up to attend either! They just need to click on the session they want to attend, and it'll get you onto the Zoom meeting.
The link for the sessions is here:
These zoom sessions are designed for current high school seniors. During these study hall sessions, an admissions counselor will be available to help answer questions about the many different topics such as:
- CommonApp: How to fill it out and get a fee waiver college essay
- College Essay: How to start it and what to write
- Applications: Are there any missing documents? What else do I need to submit?
- Timelines: Am I on track?
- General Questions about college
Sundays 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Mondays 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Tuesdays 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Wednesdays 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Thursdays 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Fridays 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Saturdays 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (Pacific Time)
not available 11/14/2020
How to complete the Common Application Step by Step - VIDEOS
Part 1: Set up and College Selection (3 mins 6 sec)
Part 2: Profile (5 mins 50 sec)
Part 3: Family (2 mins 14 sec)
Part 4: Education (8 mins 16 sec)
Part 5: Testing (1 min 52 sec)
Part 6: Activities (2 mins 20 sec)
Links to Local, State or National Scholarships
These scholarship lists have a variety of local, state and national scholarships. Links have been provided to lead a student to the scholarship website, or provide them with a PDF of the scholarship application. Students are responsible for reviewing scholarship requirements, note deadlines and reviewing the instructions on each scholarship.
Some scholarship dates listed may be from the prior year's scholarship, but have been left on the list to provide students with an approximate time those scholarships are due. This list is not exhaustive. There are thousands of scholarships available.
Other Scholarship Resources
Checklist for Submitting College/Scholarship Applications and Essays
HUGE LIST OF SCHOLARSHIPS from JLV Counseling listed by DATE they are due, By Major, Age/Grade Level, Minority, Undocumented, International, Athletic, Gender , Military , LGBTQ , Religious , Disability & Health Condition , Study Abroad, Hobbies/Interests/Talents, & Circumstance Scholarships
Ultimate List of Scholarships for Women and Girls
Scholarship Guide - Links to the 4 top Scholarship Platforms. A great guide that breaks down the the best scholarship platforms and instructs users how to use them effectively to find as many opportunities as possible.
How to Find - and Win - Scholarships: Your complete Guide
Oregon Goes to College - College Cash Campaign
OSAC (Office of Student Access and Completion) Scholarship Application Over 18 Million Dollars given each year to Oregon Students. Completing the OSAC Scholarship you can apply for up to 40 different scholarships using ONE APPLICATION!
Chemeketa Community College
Chemeketa Community College
Apply for Admission to Chemeketa Community College - make sure you choose the option that you are a "high school graduate" because you will be when you begin classes at Chemeketa.
Chemeketa Foundation Scholarships - An application is available online beginning February 1st and ending March 31st to apply for scholarships.
Chemeketa Scholars Programs - 2 years at Chemeketa Community College for students who apply have a 3.5+ GPA. Application is open typically from the first week of March. Applications must be dropped off IN PERSON to the Admissions Office.
Chemeketa TRIO Program - An educational opportunity for low-income, first generation, and disabled students. The goal of TRIO is to assist students to overcome financial, class, social and cultural barriers to higher education. Once in college, TRIO assists them so that they can earn a college degree. Students complete a separate application to apply to this program.
Chemeketa CAMP Program - The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) is a federally funded program that supports students from migrant and seasonal farm worker backgrounds during their first year in college. The program provides supplemental financial assistance and support services, with the goal of preparing them to continue their education and obtain a degree.
Apprenticeship and Trades
Apprenticeship and Trades Information
Job Corps
Free hands-on training in high-demand industries like health care, information technology, advanced manufacturing, and many more. Most programs take 8-15 months to complete. For more information click HERE
Apprenticeship Information
Introduction to a Registered Apprenticeship: Watch Video HERE
- Oregon Apprenticeship Programs - A registered apprenticeship is occupational training that combines supervised, paid, on-the-job training with related classroom instructions. Explore this site for resources and tools to start off on your career pathway.
- Oregon Trades Opportunities
- Independent Electrical Contractors of Oregon Apprenticeship Program
Chemeketa Apprenticeship Programs
- Inside Electrical Apprenticeship Program (Salem)
- Plumber Apprenticeship Program (Salem)
- Mid-Valley HVAC/R Technician Apprenticeship Program (Salem)
- Sheet Metal Worker Apprenticeship Program (Salem)
Other Apprenticeship Programs in Oregon
Independent Electrical Contractors of Oregon IEC
United Association Local Union 290 - Apprenticeships (Plumber, Steamfitter, HVAC/R
Linn Benton Community College - Apprenticeship Programs
Mt Hood Community College - Central Electrical Training Center
DACA/Undocumented Student Resources
DACA/Undocumented Student Resources
Undocumented student resources: HERE Oregon Gear Up understands that undocumented students face unique challenges in accessing and paying for higher education. This website has helpful information for undocumented students and their families.
Como acceder a la universidad como esudiante indocumentado
Scholarships open to Undocumented/DACA Students - a list created by that brings scholarship opportunities to one location.
Oregon Gear Up - Oregon Gear Up - in Spanish - Information for students, parents and educators to help assist undocumented students with college planning.
Military Options
Do some research consider your choices - Search military careers by industry, salary and skills.
Explore the Different Types of Military Service
Important things to know Before you Join